Emergency Dentist — Phoenix, AZ

Here for You Through Dental Emergencies

Woman in need of emergency dentistry holding jaw in pain

Dental emergencies can strike at any time, and often without warning. When a frightening incident like this happens to you or a loved one, already knowing a reliable dental team can make a world of difference.

At Devoted Family Dental Phoenix, we always take your trust in us very seriously. Our dental office makes time for emergency cases right away, and we will provide you with a safe and welcoming environment as well where you can feel true relief. If you are in need of emergency dentistry here in the Phoenix, AZ, please contact us right away to schedule an emergency appointment with our experienced doctors.

Why Choose Devoted Family Dental Phoenix for Emergency Dental Care?

  • Advanced Dental Technology for Fast Diagnosis & Precise Treatment
  • Same-Day Appointments Available for Emergency Patients
  • Multiple Dentists In-House Focused On Your Comfort

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Pained man visiting his Phoenix emergency dentist

When you find yourself facing a true dental emergency, it is important to have a plan of what to do first. Our team at Devoted Family Dental Phoenix is here for you through dental emergencies of all shapes and sizes, so just follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Call us as soon as you can! We’ll do everything we can to schedule you for a same-day emergency appointment.
  • Step 2: Over the phone, one of our experienced team members will walk you through basic first-aid steps to take to manage your situation until you can reach us.
  • Step 3: When you arrive, one of our dentists will see you promptly, focusing primarily on relieving any pain you may be in and learning more about your dental emergency.
  • Step 4: Your Phoenix emergency dentist will review their findings with you and fully explain your treatment options, including their estimated price and length.
  • Step 5: Once you’ve created a custom treatment plan with your dentist, we will begin working on repairing your smile and getting your oral health back on track.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Do you need help learning how to handle common dental emergencies in Phoenix, AZ? If so, you are not alone, which is why the team at Devoted Family Dental Phoenix is pleased to provide helpful tips and recommendations on what you can do while at home before your emergency appointment. It is always comforting to have someone with training and expertise to guide you through your dental emergency over the phone, but it’s also always a good idea to be prepared. That’s why we’ve gathered some important information about handling the most common dental emergencies below. Feel free to contact our dental office with additional questions as we are always happy to help you learn more about how to handle common dental emergencies in Phoenix, AZ.

Understanding the Cost of Emergency Dentistry

Dental tools and money representing the cost of dental emergencies in Phoenix

Our knowledgeable team can help you navigate the details of your dental insurance plan to discover what you can expect in terms of emergency dental care coverage. Many insurance plans will cover at least one emergency exam a year, and the majority of treatments typically used to address dental emergencies often receive partial coverage. No matter what your specific needs are, we will provide you with a reliable cost estimate and work to ensure your dental needs are met in the most affordable way. Read on to learn more about the cost of emergency dentistry in Phoenix.

Every Dental Emergency is Different

Treating a dental emergency requires a thorough examination by a member of our dental team. This is the only way we can develop a cost estimate for you. Although it might seem as if a knocked-out tooth will be treated the same way, they are often not, which means patients will pay different costs for the services they receive.

When sitting down to meet with your emergency dentist in Phoenix, you can expect digital images to be taken as well as a thorough evaluation of your oral and overall health. Once the root problem is identified, we will draft a treatment plan that includes expected expenses for you to review.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

You will need to review your plan beforehand, but it is highly likely that your dental insurance provider will offer one free emergency exam each year. However, it is not the consultation that tends to be the most expensive. Instead, it is the restorative treatment you will need.

Fortunately, most insurance companies agree to cover anywhere from 50-80% of the total cost, so you pay less out of pocket.

Other Options for Making Dental Emergencies Affordable

If you are uninsured or need help paying the remainder of your bill, you do have alternative payment options to consider, such as a check, cash, or credit card. But you can also enroll in a low-to-no-interest payment plan through CareCredit. Instead of worrying about the upfront cost of care, you can break up your payments so that you pay them out over time.

Taking Care of Your Smile Can Save You Money

As soon as you notice there is a problem with your smile, you should not wait to call and schedule an appointment. You will need to contact us right away. Why? Because the sooner you treat the problem, the less money you will need to spend in the long run. Dental emergencies are not always avoidable, but you can take steps to minimize your risk, such as maintaining good oral hygiene, wearing a protective mouthguard, eating healthier snacks and meals, and continuing to see our team every six months.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

Woman flossing to avoid dental emergency in Phenix

Prevention is key when it comes to oral health. From maintaining good oral health to avoiding cavities and gum disease to wearing a mouthguard while engaging in sports or outdoor activities, these steps can keep your teeth intact and soft tissues free from harm. While it is comforting to know your emergency dentist is here for you, especially when a crisis occurs, it is always best to avoid these emergencies when possible, right? To help you maintain a healthy and injury-free smile, here are a few tips to consider to help with preventing dental emergencies in Phoenix, AZ.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Man smiles after toothache treatment in Phoenix

First and foremost, make sure to visit us every six months for your regular checkups and cleanings, even if your teeth look and feel fine. Most oral health issues like cavities, weakened enamel, and gum disease are all too easy to miss and can go unnoticed until they cause dental emergencies like toothaches, broken teeth, or even tooth loss! During your regular checkups, we will be able to spot problems that you can’t see or feel yet and treat them before they have a chance to cause you unnecessary damage or discomfort.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits at Home

Man brushing his teeth to prevent toothaches in Phoenix

Brushing your teeth twice a day for two full minutes, flossing at least once a day, and rinsing with an ADA-approved mouthwash is the most effective way to prevent tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems between your checkups. Toothaches often develop as a result of poor oral hygiene, and if left untreated, can lead to serious infection and ultimately require root canal therapy or tooth extraction. To prevent this, make sure you are abiding by your dentist’s guidelines in caring for your teeth and gums.

Avoid Eating Hard Foods or Ice

Closeup of ice and carbonated drink that are bad for teeth

Hard, crunchy foods may taste good, but if you are not careful, you could easily crack, chip, or break a tooth. Not to mention, if you enjoy chewing on ice or inanimate objects like pens or pencils while at your desk, you will put yourself at risk for serious dental injury. Instead, try keeping sugarless gum in your desk or pocket to chew on.

Protect Your Pearly Whites

Woman wearing mouthguard to prevent broken tooth in Phoenix

Whether it is sports or teeth grinding, a mouthguard can be extremely beneficial at preventing excessive wear and tear or serious injury to your teeth and soft oral tissues. Sports-related injuries are one of the biggest causes of dental emergencies, so making sure you are equipped with a custom-made mouthguard can lessen your chances of having to make a trip to the dentist’s office should you suffer a hard hit while being active.

If it is not sports but bruxism that has you seeking a mouthguard, these oral devices can prevent your teeth from coming into contact with each other as well as eliminate chronic jaw pain.

Use Tools, Not Teeth to Open Packaging

Woman risking chipped tooth in Phenix chewing on bottle cap

Instead of thinking your teeth are these magical tools that can open anything, opt for scissors or another actual tool. Your teeth are designed to cut and tear through food and nothing else. While they are strong and durable, they can easily chip or break if too much force is applied.

Dental Emergency FAQ’s

Man with toothache has questions for his Phoenix emergency dentist

Do you have additional questions concerning emergency dentistry? Do not worry, as you are not the only individual who might feel uncertain about what to do or how to handle certain dental crises. This is why our emergency dentist in Phoenix has taken the time to compile some common questions asked by previous patients. The following list should help clarify some concerns, but if you remain unsure and would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to  contact our office  .

Will My Toothache Go Away On Its Own?

It is highly unlikely that your toothache will go away on its own. Instead, there is likely to be a reason for this discomfort even if you cannot see visible evidence of damage or decay. Your best bet is to schedule a consultation with your dentist to determine what might be causing your toothache. Allowing them to review your oral cavity will help to rule out any serious issues or identify problems that need to be addressed.

Can the Emergency Room Remove a Tooth?

If you want a reason to avoid the ER when faced with a dental injury, know that only licensed dentists can perform tooth extractions. Anyone who is without the proper training and education, including those doctors in a hospital, should not perform this type of procedure, as it is illegal. If you are at the ER for assistance, you will only be able to receive antibiotics and pain medication. You may not even need to have your tooth removed, however. It is up to your dentist to determine the appropriate course of action.

Can a Knocked-Out Tooth Be Placed In Water?

No, knocked-out teeth should never sit in water. They can be quickly rinsed off to remove debris but should only remain in a container of milk or saliva for up to one hour. Water can damage the root surface cells of the tooth, making it less likely for the tooth to be saved. This type of dental emergency in Phoenix is time-sensitive, which means if you do not have the appropriate liquid contents to store your tooth, place it back in its socket or between your cheek and gums inside your mouth.

Can I Pop a Dental Abscess On My Own?

If you are tempted to try this at home, please wait. You should never pop an abscess on your own, as it can lead to a more serious dental infection. Only trusted dental professionals should perform this type of procedure to ensure appropriate sanitary measures. If you try to pop it at home, you will expose your mouth to more bacteria, which will only cause irritation. A dental abscess can be a seriously dangerous problem if left untreated. Without proper care, the infection can spread to your neck, throat, and head.

Are Toothpicks Safe to Use?

Wooden toothpicks are never a safe option for dislodging food from between your teeth. Apart from potentially damaging your gum tissue, you can also put yourself at risk for a splintered toothpick that breaks off inside the mouth. If not properly dislodged, the toothpick can actually push the object further into the gum line or in-between teeth, causing an even greater problem.