Preventive Dentistry – Phoenix, AZ

Preventive Solutions for Patients Young and Old

Woman with healthy smile after preventive dentistry

At Devoted Family Dental Phoenix, preventive care is the true focus of our dental office. Dr. Ludu and Dr. Sharma want to help you not only achieve great oral health but maintain it throughout the years as well. Whether you have not made it to the dentist’s office for a few years or you have a young child who is finally ready for their first checkup, we hope you will choose to place your trust in our capable hands. Contact our dental office today if you have questions about the your options for preventive dentistry from our Phoenix, AZ dentist or if you are ready to schedule the first visit. The whole family is welcomed here!

Why Choose Devoted Family Dental Phoenix for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Serves Patients
    of All Ages
  • Personalized,
    One-on-One Attention
  • Convenient, Family-Friendly Dental Office Hours

Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Woman receiving dental checkup and teeth cleaning

It is strongly recommended that children and adults alike attend at least two checkups and cleanings every six months. Our team may suggest more frequent appointments if you have concerning oral health problems (like periodontal disease) that require constant professional maintenance. Our goal during these visits is to better understand your unique smile and help you correct any troubling concerns at their earliest and most harmless stages. We will carefully inspect every aspect of your oral health, from each tooth to your overall bite to any existing restorations. We also use digital X-rays to locate damage that may be hidden out of our sight. After we fully understand any problems you are facing, our doctors can partner with you in order to create the ideal treatment plan.

Cleanings are also a valuable part of preventive care because they remove decay-causing plaque and tartar from your smile. This helps reduce the patient’s risk of experiencing cavities. Our team can also often get rid of small stains during this process, leaving your smile feeling and looking refreshed.

Learn More About Dental Checkups & Cleanings

Nightguards for Bruxism

Clear nightguard on metal tray

Bruxism (teeth grinding) can be a common ailment resulting in gradual tooth wear-and-tear, severe headaches, jaw pain and other troubling symptoms over time. Our doctors can design a customized oral appliance (“nightguard”) to combat the condition and protect your teeth from harm. When worn during sleep, the nightguard will minimize contact between teeth and protect the jaw joints, allowing patients to rest easier.

Fluoride Treatments

Patient receiving fluoride treatment

Most communities here in the United States have added the mineral fluoride to their water supplies. Why? Because countless studies have shown that regularly drinking fluoridated water tends to lead to healthier, less cavity-prone teeth in patients of all ages. You can also get this important and valuable exposure from regularly using fluoridated toothpaste. However, if our team determines that you or your children could benefit from more fluoride, we can provide professional treatment during your next appointment.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Patient receiving oral cancer screening

Oral cancer is a dangerous health problem, but it can be successfully treated if it is caught early enough in its development. That is why our doctors have made oral cancer screenings a vital part of every single checkup. During this process, we will closely examine the mouth, neck, face, lips, and gums for any signs of abnormal and potentially cancerous tissue that could need further attention.

Family Dentistry

Mother and child talking to dentist during dental treatment

Dental health is incredibly important at every age, which is why we always emphasize our dedication to serving patients regardless of how old they may be. In addition, we want to make the process of getting your entire family seen as streamlined as possible, especially for preventive treatments like exams and cleanings. Ask us about how we can schedule your family for a block of time at our dental office and we will do everything we can to make your appointment efficient, all without sacrificing quality.

Learn More About Family Dentistry