Family Dentistry – Phoenix, AZ

Exceptional Dental Care for Smiles of All Ages

Mother father and children smiling after family dentistry visit

When you are looking for a dental office that offers family dentistry in Phoenix, AZ you are not only looking for someone who can take care of your family’s oral health care needs. You want a dentist that is friendly and professional; someone who will relate to each member of your family individually and provide a treatment plan that serves everyone’s unique needs. The dentists at Devoted Family Dental Phoenix offer a complete menu of family dentistry services, so you only need to make one stop to ensure that everyone is smiling and happy.

Why Choose Devoted Family Dental Phoenix for Family Dentistry?

  • Serves Patients
    of All Ages
  • Wide Variety of
    Dental Treatments
  • Team of Dentists for
    Easier Scheduling

Is a Family Dentist the Same as a General Dentist?

Little girl receiving dental checkup

Although both a family dentist and a general dentist receive extensive training that includes college and dental school, the two designations are slightly different. A general dentist provides preventive, restorative and cosmetic dental care. A family dentist, on the other hand, offers these same services and specializes in treating patients of all ages. In addition, your family dentist is dedicated to providing patient education, too.

A Family Dentist for the Ages

Young girl in dental chair giving a thumbs up

According to The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should see a dentist by the time they are a year old. They will probably not be ready to sit for a cleaning and exam, but this early appointment gives a dentist in Phoenix the chance to examine their incoming teeth and developing mouth. Then, before their third birthday, we will start seeing them for regular dental checkups. Just like mom and dad, children should have dental exams and cleanings twice each year.

For young and old alike, a dental checkup is the foundation upon which we build a personalized treatment plan and monitor your oral health for signs of trouble. At each visit, we will clean your teeth, examine your gums, conduct an oral cancer screening and check for signs of TMJ.

Restorative and
Cosmetic Dentistry

Woman pointing to her smile after restorative and cosmetic dentistry

Restorative dentistry is a service that anyone might need at any age. Tooth-colored fillings, for example, are the solution for decay whether a patient is five or 85. Similarly, dental crowns are used to preserve a tooth that is broken or deeply cracked. They can also be part of a crown and bridge that replaces missing teeth, a not so uncommon occurrence as people get older.

Cosmetic dentistry is more often a choice for adults and seniors who want to enhance the appearance of a smile that has begun to show the effects of aging. Teeth whitening and porcelain veneers can make a dark or broken smile look beautiful again.

Regardless of what your smile needs, you can trust a family dentist to provide the appropriate service. Call Devoted Family Dental Phoenix today to schedule an appointment with one of our friendly dentists!