Advanced Dental Services & Technology – Phoenix, AZ

Technology Proven to Enhance Your Experience

Man in state of the art dental office giving thumbs up

Technology is an important part of our approach here at Devoted Family Dental Phoenix, because with the latest dental tools, we are able to provide our patients with the most effective, precise, and comfortable care possible. Our team consistently works to stay on top of the latest advancements in dentistry, and this effort will continue to improve your overall patient experience. To learn more about some of the great tools we use every day, read on below, and then contact us for an appointment.

Radiographs (X-Rays)

Digital dental x-rays on chairside computer

When diagnosing dental problems, X-rays are extremely important in helping our team locate damage that may be hidden out of sight. In order to keep you and your loved ones as safe and comfortable as possible, Dr. Ludu and Dr. Sharma have chosen to invest in digital X-ray technology here in Phoenix. This state-of-the-art tool completely eliminates darkroom development and the use of hazardous chemicals. Instead, your X-rays are available for viewing immediately and can even be magnified and color-coded on our computer system. Potentially harmful radiation exposure is reduced by up to 80% as well.

The Wand™

The wand local anesthesia tool

If you fear the use of needles during your dental appointment, The Wand is a wonderful alternative for the delivery of local anesthesia. This machine uses an unassuming “wand” that looks like a pen but contains a very fine needle. Before the needle ever makes contact with the patient’s gum tissue, painkiller will cover the area and numb it properly so that no discomfort is ever felt. By being able to pinpoint the delivery more effectively, we can also prevent that numbing feeling from reaching other areas of the mouth and causing issues.