Tooth Extractions – Phoenix, AZ

Find Peace of Mind with Our Gentle Dentists

Man sharing healthy smile after tooth extraction

With proper oral hygiene care at home and regularly scheduled dental checkups with the dentist, your teeth really can last a lifetime. However, there are some unfortunate situations that can require tooth extraction. If you have a tooth that must be removed, then you can feel better knowing that the dentists at Devoted Family Dental Phoenix will perform tooth extractions in Phoenix, AZ with skill, compassion and attention to your comfort and peace of mind.

Why Choose Devoted Family Dental Phoenix for Tooth Extractions?

  • Multiple Tooth Replacement Options Available
  • Sedation Options Available for Nervous Patients
  • Experienced Dentists Dedicated to Your Comfort

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

Man in pain before tooth extraction

There are several reasons why your Dr. Sharma and Dr. Ludu may need to remove one or more teeth. In some cases, a broken tooth may be badly injured and irreparable. Similarly, they may recommend extracting a tooth in order to prepare for a specific restorative treatment or to relieve crowding and create a healthier and more attractive smile.

If you or your child is about to receive orthodontic braces, then tooth extraction may be needed to create space for other teeth to align correctly. Spacing is also often the reason for extracting wisdom teeth. Also called third molars, these teeth tend to be noticeably larger than your other teeth. Therefore, your jaw may not have enough remaining space to accommodate wisdom teeth. Removing them can be especially important after orthodontic treatment. Whether these teeth have erupted or are impacted, they have the potential to put pressure on adjacent teeth, causing pain and even misalignment.

If caught in time, your dentist may be able to preserve an infected tooth by performing a root canal. However, when the infection is advanced, the only option may be extraction. Periodontal disease is another common reason for removing teeth. Advanced periodontitis destroys gum and bone tissue to the extent that teeth are not salvageable. In this case, dental implants can be an excellent choice for tooth replacement.

Sedation Dentistry Options

Nitrous oxide dental sedation system

We understand that coming to the dentist to have your tooth removed is a reason for anxiety. Our team will do everything we can to help you have an experience free of worry. Devoted Family Dental Phoenix offers sedation dentistry and painless anesthetic delivery. After the anesthetic takes effect, your dentist will gently remove your tooth.

After Care for Tooth Extractions

Ice pack for tooth extraction aftercare

You can expect some light bleeding after an extraction. In many cases, firm pressure with a gauze pad is all that is needed to alleviate this symptom. When removing wisdom teeth, a few stitches may be necessary to help the gum tissue heal properly. A cold compress held against the cheek for twenty minutes at a time will alleviate pain and swelling.

In most cases, if the extraction site is kept clean and you follow our recovery instructions, your gums should heal in a few weeks. If you need replacements for the missing teeth, the dentist can create a high-quality and lifelike bridge, implant or denture. This will help you improve your oral functionality and your sense of self-confidence as well.

Understanding the Cost of Tooth Extractions

Patient learning cost of tooth extraction in Phoenix

If you are wondering about the cost of tooth extractions in Phoenix, you are not alone. Many patients learning they need to have a tooth removed are curious to know exactly how much they can expect to spend on this type of procedure. Will insurance help to cover the cost? Will I need to pay anything out of pocket? When meeting with our team, we will go over the details surrounding your unique cost estimate as well as how much your insurance benefits will cover and what you can do to lower your expected expenses.

Factors That Can Affect Tooth Extraction Cost

To determine the cost associated with your tooth extraction, we will need to consider the following factors before delivering a thorough estimate:

  • The tooth’s location inside the mouth
  • The type of tooth that must be removed
  • The type of procedure needed (simple or surgical)
  • The number of teeth that must be removed
  • Additional procedures required
  • The type of prosthetic needed

You should know that unless you are having a wisdom tooth removed, you will need to seek a replacement for your missing tooth. The reason is that jawbone deterioration can occur, which can negatively affect your oral and overall health if left untreated.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Tooth Extractions?

Only until we are able to review your policy will our team be able to determine if your dental insurance company will provide coverage for tooth extractions. There is a good chance, however, that they will agree to pay up to 50% of the total cost, as most insurers view this type of procedure as a major restorative service. We will review the terms of your plan and help you to maximize your benefits so that your out-of-pocket expenses are as low as possible.

Other Options for Making Tooth Extractions Affordable

If you are uninsured or cannot pay the amount required for your tooth extraction, our emergency dentist in Phoenix is pleased to offer an alternative solution – CareCredit. This third-party financier makes it easy to enroll and avoid upfront costs. With no surprise fees, you can sign up for a low or no-interest plan that allows you to spread out the cost of your treatment into manageable monthly payments. This way, you can stay well within your budget while working toward a healthier, more beautiful smile in the long run.

Tooth Extraction FAQs

Woman needing tooth extractions in Phoenix

If you recently learned tooth extractions in Phoenix are something your dentist recommends, you may feel concerned, worried, or unsure about the process and expectations once your teeth are no longer there. The good news is that the team at Devoted Family Dental is here to alleviate your concerns while also providing a safe environment in which you can remain comfortable and at ease throughout your surgery. With expert dental professionals handling your tooth removal, you can rest assured your oral health is in the best possible hands. But to provide a greater sense of ease, here are a few questions about tooth extractions you can review.

Can I leave the space empty after a tooth extraction?

The only scenario that does not require tooth replacement is if you are undergoing wisdom teeth extractions. Otherwise, you will need to have a dental bridge, denture, or dental implant put into place. The reasons are that your natural, healthy teeth can begin to shift out of alignment if a socket remains vacated for a prolonged period. Also, your jawbone will begin to deteriorate because of the lack of stimulation that is normally provided by tooth roots.

A single missing tooth can make eating healthy and speaking much more difficult as well. Therefore, you are recommended to discuss tooth replacement options with our team when undergoing an extraction.

What can I do to speed up the healing time?

Healing is essential when it comes to having a tooth extracted. For at least the first 24 hours after your procedure, you should avoid any strenuous exercise and keep your head elevated. Also, keep any gauze in place to help ensure that a blood clot forms.

Avoiding things that will irritate your surgical sites, such as mouthwash or acidic foods, and not using a straw or spitting will prevent a dry socket and keep the area healing nicely.

An ice pack or cold compress can help to reduce the swelling, and you will be advised to take pain medication (recommended by your dentist in Phoenix). It is important that you follow these instructions, especially since certain medications can slow the healing process as well as clotting.

What is the difference between tooth extractions and wisdom tooth surgery?

While both oral surgeries require the removal of teeth, they are both very different procedures. Wisdom tooth surgery removes the third molars, which are the last set to erupt. Tooth extractions, however, can be required for any tooth that may be causing overcrowding or is severely decayed or damaged.

Also, wisdom tooth extractions are often surgical procedures that can be used to remove a tooth that sits below the gum line or is impacted.

What are my options for replacing a missing tooth?

During your visit with our dental team, we will discuss your available options for tooth replacement. These include:

  • A dental bridge, which uses fused dental crowns to “bridge the gap.” The crowns are fused to create a bridge, and the exterior teeth are placed over healthy, altered teeth on either side of the gap. The remainder rest on top of the gums.
  • A partial denture is made to work as a puzzle piece. Made from an acrylic gum-colored base and artificial teeth, it is held into place with metal clasps that attach to healthy teeth. If all teeth must be extracted, a full denture can be created from the same materials. However, instead of metal clasps, the prosthetic uses your natural suction to hold it in place.
  • Dental implants are a superior form of tooth replacement that uses titanium posts that mimic the natural tooth root. Surgically placed into the jawbone, it is topped with a customized dental crown, bridge, or denture and is the only prosthetic that can replicate a tooth from root to crown and provide continuous stimulation to the jawbone!